USA Business Visa – What You Should Know

Everyone knows how to apply for the B-1 business visa for the US, but if not, you can refer the blog for a step by step process on the visa application for the US. However, the goal of this blog post is not to share the process but to explain the different activities that one can and can not perform on the business visa to the United States of America.

There is always a confusion as to what is a permissible activity that one can do while on the business visa in the US. There are no clear guidelines written anywhere, and hence, we have come up with this article to share information on what you should know before traveling to the US.

Let us start with the activities that the visa holders are allowed to perform while their stay in the United States.

Activities Allowed

● Exploring investment opportunities or business ventures, however, you may not remain in the US to manage the business
● Interviewing employees
● Volunteering under limited circumstances
● Entering into a lease agreement
● Attending a meeting
● Attending a conference or other business events
● Presenting products at a trade show or expo
● Lecturing at an event
● Performing independent research
● Meeting with staff
● Servicing – if you possess the specialized knowledge essential to perform the services of the sold product. However, the company must not receive the payments in addition to the specified terms in the original contract
● Telecommuting – a remote job while staying in the US is allowed but you should be employed by a company outside the US, not get any remuneration in the US, and you have adequate educational qualifications (bachelor’s degree). However, they do deport people and take away the license of the company in many cases for telecommuting jobsIt is more important to know the rules around what can not be done on the business visa. If found guilty, the visa holder will be deported from the country and licenses of the involved parties may be taken away.

Activities Prohibited

● Employment – not allowed to indulge in any activity that will earn remuneration, either in the form of a part-time or full-time occupation
● Education – prohibited from enrolling in any course of study while in the US with a B2 visa
● Prospective Students – prospective students wanting to scout for suitable schools in the US can not come on a B2 visitor’s visa and go around looking for schools
● Foreign Media/Journalism – representatives of foreign media and journalists coming to the United States to report something or just represent their media house need to apply for an I visa
● Falsified Intent – attempt to falsify the reasons for traveling to the US. E.g.finding a job, reunite with family if ineligible in other ways or even find a foothold into the country without intending to return
● Work – performing productive work in the US or accepting paid or unpaid work
● Events – participating as a professional in sporting or entertainment eventsIt is important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and should be used only for a reference purpose. Please connect with us in case if you have doubts around the visa process and need further guidance, it will be our pleasure to assist you.