
In recent years, the Philippines have become a popular destination for travelers of all kinds, be it backpackers or families. The over 7000 tropical islands are a paradise for beach lovers, island hoppers, divers and snorkelers. But not only the islands offer a sheer endless range of outdoor and leisure activities. With its trekking and mountain biking routes and the title of ‘ziplining capital of the world’ the Philippines are the ideal destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Although the megacities of the Philippines will remind you of other metropolises in Southeast Asia, a contrast to the rest of the continent is clearly noticeable due to Spanish and American influences. The only thing that could hinder the success of your trip to the Philippines is the annual monsoon, so keep an eye on the weather forecast when planning.


Palm trees swaying in the wind, crystal turquoise seas and seemingly endless stretches of talcum-powder-fine-white sand beaches, plus a distinctively laid-back way of life characterise this beautiful island. Boracay offers everything from golf, trekking, sailing and water sports (like windsurfing and scuba diving) to great hotels, gourmet restaurants and festivals. Plus, of course, its fabulous beaches – including White Beach, voted among the finest in the world.

Cagayan de Oro

Cagayan de Oro is a modern, multi-cultural city that lies on the northern shores of Mindanao Island of the Philippines. It has gourmet restaurants, fine hotels and is the shopping capital of the island. Known as the “city of golden friendship” because of the hospitable nature of the kagayanons, Cagayan de Oro always offers a special welcome to visitors, wherever they may come from.


Refereed to locally as “queen of the south,” Cebu, the country’s oldest city, has now become its favourite tourist destination. With a keen choice of historical sights, long stretches of white sand beaches, excellent year-round scuba and water sport action, choice of dining, exciting nightlife and, of course, the famous warm hospitality, it’s no surprise that visitor numbers, new hotels and tourist attractions are increasing.


A multi-cultural metropolis on the island of Mindanao, Davao is one of largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the Philippines. With the country’s highest mountain, Mount Apo, as its backdrop, this vibrant city offers a mix of fabulous landscapes that include parks like the Eden Nature Park and the Mount Apo National Park, superb beaches, diving waters and islands such as the unspoiled Samal Island.


The Philippine capital is Asia’s best-kept secret. The capital of the Orient’s only catholic country seems somehow out of place, vibrant with Latin American or Caribbean undertones. Music and dancing are everywhere, and the smiles and laughter rival Bangkok’s in their warmth and enthusiasm. Manila’s intense historical influences – Spanish religion and American consumerism – have led to the saying that the capital has spent “400 years in a convent and 50 in Hollywood.” The result is a city of extremes ready to delight the unsuspecting traveller.