
Bhutan’s sustainable tourism concept is an approach the Bhutanese are particularly proud of. The number of tourists allowed to enter the country is limited and every foreign visitor must pay a daily $250 fee. This seems to make Bhutan one of the most expensive places to travel; however, the fee includes accommodation, food, transport and an official guide. The country itself stands as a unique blend of ancient and modern, with a deep Buddhist tradition, a focus on environmental protection and the happiness of the people as the government’s highest priority. The location of this safe haven seems as peaceful and serene as the place itself, tucked away in the magnificent mountains between India and China.


Official partnerLong isolated from the outside world, Bhutan is a relic of a more traditional Asia, preserved in time and with little in the way of tourist infrastructure. In an increasingly connected world, this small, beautiful and utterly charming Himalayan country is one of the last truly off-the-beaten-path destinations on the planet. It is a challenging country to visit, but to those who choose to venture there, it soon reveals itself to be an especially rewarding one, as well.